
Install the extension with:

$ pip install --index-url sphinxcontrib-bibtexpdflink

(This installs from Test PyPI).

The package is not yet on the real PyPI, but when it is, the installation command will be:

$ pip install sphinxcontrib-bibtexpdflink


Add the extension to the Sphinx file (along with sphinxcontrib.bibtex and sphinxcontrib.bibtex2 extensions):

extensions = [

In the file, specify the directories for PDF and notes files using config variables bibtexpdflink_note_dir and bibtexpdflink_pdf_dir. An example is:

bibtexpdflink_note_dir = "notes"
bibtexpdflink_pdf_dir = "papers"

The directory specified for bibtexpdflink_pdf_dir must be inside the directory specified for html_static_path[0]. For example, if

html_static_path = ['_static']


bibtexpdflink_pdf_dir = "papers"

Then the pdf files must be placed in directory: _static/papers.

The directory specified for bibtexpdflink_note_dir must be directly inside the top-level Sphinx source directory (the same directory containing the Sphinx file).

The names of the pdf and notes files must be the same as the bibtex citation key, but respectively with extension “.pdf” and “.rst”.